How to replenish balance and withdraw funds

How to replenish bitexbit balance and withdraw funds

To see how much funds and in which coins are stored on your exchange balance, hover over the Wallet button and select Balance from the drop-down list. This menu displays all the coins available on the exchange. To hide coins with zero balance from the list, click the Hide zero balances button.

How to replenish the bitexbit balance with cryptocurrency

  1. To replenish the balance of a certain coin on the exchange, click the Deposit button in the line of the desired coin or in the top menu of the wallet.
  2. Copy the wallet address. Please check carefully if the address is correct. If at least one character or even case (capital or small letters) differs, you will exactly not receive your funds to the exchange account. Please note that all fields are required, for example, the tag field.
  3. Besides the alphanumeric address, you can use the QR code to top up your balance. To do this, in the right block of the menu, click the Show button and scan the generated code.

Please note that certain coins have a minimum deposit amount. We will not be able to credit your coins if their amount is less than the minimum deposit. Please be careful: deposits less than the minimum will not be credited and will be lost forever.

How to withdraw funds from bitexbit to the address of the crypto wallet

  1. To withdraw coins, click Withdraw in the line of the desired coin or in the top menu of the wallet.
  2. You can select the wallet address from the list of saved ones if you added them in the settings. If not, enter the wallet address in the Address field and enter the amount of coins in the Amount field. Please check carefully if the address is correct. If at least one symbol is different, the funds will be irretrievably lost.
  3. Check out the fees and click Submit. The funds will be credited to the recipient after required network confirmations.

Note! A separate address is generated for each coin. Please do not send BTC to an ETH address, on the contrary, or in any other combination. Only BTC to BTC address, ETH to ETH address, and so on. Also, do not use an exchange address to send funds to a smart contract or for direct payment. Choosing the wrong wallet results in a loss of funds.

Last modified on 10.02.2021